
VocDay 2013: Managing Vocabularies

Convenors: Diane Hillmann & Gordon Dunsire
Full-day Workshop: 6 September 2013 @ DC-2013 in Lisbon, Portugal

Application Proviles as Alternative to Own Ontologies

Vocabulary Day 2013 is designed to inform and focus discussion over a variety of vocabulary development and maintenance topics, identified by the « DCMI Vocabulary Management Community » based on its full-day workshop in The Hague, in 2011. Participation in VocDay is open to anyone who has an interest in these topics, and background materials will be available well before DC-2013 for those desiring some prior preparation. The Day is organized in collaboration with the « DCMI Bibliographic Metadata Task Group ».

In addition to providing an opportunity for practitioners both experienced and new to these topics to come together and focus their attention on these critical issues, the sessions will aim to look forward towards addressing those needs for best practices documentation. Sessions will begin with short background presentations to set the stage for discussion by attendees. In all sessions, discussion will emphasize the definition of practical goals and tasks designed to move the community forward. Ideally, the participants will be sufficiently encouraged to join task groups to continue the discussion and work towards recommendations and actions.

The sessions planned are described below. Each session will last approximately 1.5 hours with two in the morning and two in the afternoon. Generous breaks between sessions will provide time for networking and the generation of ideas!

DCMI logo Vocabulary sustainability —Leader: Bernard Vatant, MONDECA
  Services such as Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV) which are tracking vocabularies in use in a variety of domains, report that they see increasing numbers of vocabularies for which there seems to be no active management (or for which a management entity cannot be determined). Discussion topics will include criteria for evaluating sustainability for vocabularies, what kind of measures could be taken to increase the likelihood that vocabularies will survive, what can be done about 'orphan' vocabularies, and whether a role can be taken on by DCMI.

« Presentation: Bernard Vatant »

DCMI logo Multilingual vocabulary development and extension —Leader: Daniel Vila Suero, Ontology Engineering Group (OEG), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  In a global world, vocabularies enabled for multilingual environments are increasingly in demand. In this session, discussion will include applicable standards (and examples), with a possible outcome a charge to a small group to begin developing some best practices.

« Presentation: Daniel Vila Suero »
« Presentation: Elena Montiel-Ponsoda »

DCMI logo Extension of element and value vocabularies —Leader: Richard Wallis, OCLC
  As the notions of 'reuse' shift in favor of extension strategies, the lack of best practices for such extension represent a yawning gap. Specialized communities in particular may be interested in this question, as they look towards more general vocabularies for a base for special extension. This session will begin with a panel discussion describing some extension strategies in use in various communities, before moving on to discussion about strategies for developing documentation on best practices.

« Presentation: Richard Wallis »

DCMI logo Making mapping real —Leader: Gill Hamilton, National Library of Scotland
  Are your strings in a fankle or your things unmentionable? This session will include some 'hands-on' activities, designed to surface some of the issues that arise as we go from talking to doing. Participants will be provided with some exercises beforehand, for pre-session discussion and preparation. The agenda for the session on site will offer practical feedback, perhaps some 'voting' similar to that in vogue on sites such as the BBC Your Paintings project. In addition to being fun, these exercises should enable some collating of issues seen in the contributions, as well as (of course) some progress towards guidelines.

« Presentation: Gill Hamilton »


Parts of this session advance the DCMI Work Themes: « Sustainable Vocabularies » & « Mapping Diverse Vocabularies »

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The National Library of Finland The National Library of Korea The National Library Board Singapore
Shanghai Library Simmons College GSLIS (US) Information School of the University of Washington
SUB Goettingen Research Center for Knowledge Communities, Tsukuba University Infocom Corporation (Japan)
UNESP (Brazil) Universisty of Edinburgh ZBW (Germany)

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