Tutorial Title: An Introduction to Dublin Core Presenter: Stephanie Taylor Abstract: This tutorial will provide a basic introduction to the Dublin Core (DC) metadata set, starting with a brief overview of how and why DC began and how it has developed to the present day. Simple DC and Qualified DC will be explained, with practical examples of real-life usage to illustrate the application of DC in different working environments. The tutorial will have a 'hands on' approach, giving participants an opportunity to explore the elements through group work and to use both Simple and Qualified DC to describe objects.
Tutorial Title: From Dublin Core to Linked Data Presenter: Paul Hermans Abstract: In this tutorial we will learn in a concrete way how to migrate an XML/HTML encoded Dublin Core metadata application to a linked data version hereof. We cover all the needed steps to:
- define the identifiers (URI's) of the resources
- choose the right models, vocabularies
- generate links to different datasets
- convert to the needed representations (RDF/XML, turtle, HTML)
- publish the data as dereferenceable linked data
We will also address also some FAQ's:
- reusing vocabularies or building your own
- SKOS (concepts) or OWL (classes)
- how to model temporal constraints
- how to apply closed world constraints
In closing, we give an overview of the tools and technologies which can be used.
Tutorial Title: SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System) Presenter: Antoine Isaac Abstract: SKOS is a data model to represent and network knowledge organization systems (thesauri, classification systems, etc) in RDF. SKOS is meant to be as easy of use as possible, fitting existing practices while keeping general enough to fit a high number of use cases and KOS configurations. In this tutorial, an introduction to the various features of SKOS will be given, illustrating how they can be used to represent existing KOS data. The tutorial will present how the vision of leveraging existing KOS on the web of data is being adopted in a number of projects, in the Cultural Heritage sector and beyond. Available tooling and methods for creating and publishing SKOS as well as porting legacy KOS data to SKOS will also be discussed.
Tutorial Title: Dublin Core in Practice: From Application Profiles to the Semantic Web Presenter: Emma Tonkin Abstract: Dublin Core, like many things in life, is many things to many people. This tutorial starts by taking a quick tour through the conceptual landscape of the DCMI. We then move on to practical exploration, demonstrating the role of Dublin Core as a helpful Swiss Army knife in a well-stocked metadata toolbox. Using the vocabularies, schemas, concepts and processes behind Dublin Core—such as the Singapore Framework, we work through practical examples of: describing a set of resources; developing an application profile for a given purpose; building metadata records on the basis of a newly constructed application profile; and marking up web-based data with microformats. Finally, the tutorial takes a look at how Dublin Core fits in with the world of Linked Data.
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