- RDA Task Group
- Libraries Community
- Libraries Application Profile Task Group
- Metadata Provenance Task Group
- Government Community
- DCMI/NKOS Task Group
- Registry Community & Task Group
- Translation Task Group
- Education Community & Task Groups
- Social Tagging Community
- Science & Metadata Community
DCMI RDA Task Group Workshop
Convenors: Gordon Dunsire, Diane Hillmann
Task Group Charter: To define components of the standard "RDA - Resource Description and Access" as an RDF vocabulary for use in developing a Dublin Core application profile.
Task Group Website: http://dublincore.org/dcmirdataskgroup/
Mailing List: http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/dc-rda.html
Workshop Abstract: The meeting will be presented with a report on activity and issues arising in finalising and publishing the RDF representations of the RDA element set and vocabularies. The development of an application profile for RDA will be discussed. The meeting will also be given a presentation on the relationships between RDA classes, properties, and vocabularies and those of related namespaces such as the Functional requirements family, International Standard Bibliographic Description, Dublin Core, and others.
- Welcome and introduction.
- RDA elements and vocabularies in RDF.
- Discussion on application profiles for RDA
- Relationships between RDA and related namespaces
- Close.
This meeting is open to all, and the attendance of newcomers and non-experts is welcome. This meeting is intended to be accessible to all, including those who have not previously attended DCMI events. The participation of newcomers and non-experts is encouraged. If you have any immediate questions about the meeting, please contact Gordon Dunsire or Diane Hillmann.
DCMI Libraries Community Workshop
Convenors: Stefanie Ruehle, Sarah Hartman & Sally Chambers
Community Charter: The DCMI Library Community is a forum for individuals and organisations in the library domain to exchange information and experience about the use of Dublin Core metadata in a library context and to encourage best practice.
Community Website: http://dublincore.org/groups/libraries/
Mailing List: http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/DC-LIBRARIES.html
Workshop Abstract: In this session we will introduce the Europeana Data Model (EDM) and show how Europeana Libraries (see: http://www.europeana-libraries.eu/) a project to develop a sustainable library-domain aggregation infrastructure for Europeana will investigate how library-domain metadata can be aligned with the EDM. The Europeana Data Model is being developed by Europeana, a portal that gives access to the digitised cultural and scientific heritage of Europe (see: http://www.europeana.eu/portal/). It is intended as an integration medium for collecting, connecting and enriching the descriptions provided by Europeana content providers. EDM has been developed reusing classes and properties from other namespaces wherever possible, including RDF, SKOS, OAI-ORE and Dublin Core. Furthermore, Europeana is beginning to experiment with Linked Open Data, undertaking a pilot with willing partners, including libraries.
- Welcome and introduction
- The Europeana Data Model (EDM)
- Examples how EDM works for libraries
- Discussion
- Closing
This meeting is intended to be accessible to all, including those who have not previously attended DCMI events. The participation of newcomers and non-experts is encouraged. If you have any immediate questions about the meeting, please contact Stefanie Ruehle or Sarah Hartman
DCMI Libraries Application Profile Task Group Workshop
Convenors: Stefanie Rühle & Mary Woodley
Task Group Charter: The purpose of the DCMI Libraries Application Profile Task Group is to finalise the DCMI Libraries Application Profile.
Task Group Website: http://dublincore.org/librarieswiki/
Mailing List: http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/DC-LIBRARIES.html
Workshop Abstract: In this meeting we will present the finalized version of the "DCMI Library Application Profile for Bibliographic Text Resources" (http://dublincore.org/librarieswiki/RevisionDraft) and want to discuss the need of further Description Set Profiles (e.g. for maps, manuscripts, etc.).
- Welcome and introduction
- DC-Library Application Profile for Bibliographic Text Resources
- Discussion
- Closing
This meeting is intended to be accessible to all, including those who have not previously attended DCMI events. The participation of newcomers and non-experts is encouraged. If you have any immediate questions about the meeting, please contact Stefanie Rühle & Mary Woodley.
Metadata Provenance Task Group Workshop
Convenors: Kai Eckert & Michael Panzer
Task Group Charter: The task group aims to define an application profile that allows for making assertions about description statements or description sets. The AP should create a shared model of the data elements required to satisfactorily describe an aggregation of metadata statements in order to collectively import, asses, use and publish facts about the quality, rights, timeliness, data source type, trust situation, etc. of the described statements. Since metadata provenance information is in itself metadata, it should be possible to be republished in quite the same way and in conjunction with the metadata statements or sets it describes. The task group is charged to also create usage guidelines that outline ways to connect “content” metadata aggregations with its provenance metadata in a way robust enough to survive multiple republication processes.
Task Group Website: http://dublincore.org/groups/provenance
Wiki: http://wiki.bib.uni-mannheim.de/dc-provenance
Mailing List: http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/DC-PROVENANCE.html
Workshop Abstract: In this meeting, we will present the latest version of the domain model, element vocabulary and application profile, i.e. the results of the task group. Open questions will be discussed and the outcome of this meeting will be incorporated in the final deliverables of the task group that is planned to end until the end of the year.
Agenda: In this meeting, we will present the latest version of the domain model, element vocabulary and application profile, i.e. the results of the task group. Open questions will be discussed and the outcome of this meeting will be incorporated in the final deliverables of the task group that is planned to end until the end of the year.
- Welcome and introductions
- Status report on the deliverables under development
- The domain model
- The element vocabulary
- The application profile
- Discussion
- Closing
This meeting is intended to be accessible to all, including those who have not previously attended DCMI events. The participation of newcomers and non-experts is encouraged. This schedule is provisional. If you have any immediate questions about the meeting, please contact Kai Eckert & Michael Panzer.
DC-Government Community Workshop
Convenors: Hans Overbeek & John Roberts
Community Charter: The DC-Government community is a forum for individuals and organizations involved in implementing Dublin Core metadata in a context of government agencies and International Governmental Organizations (IGO's), with the objective to promote the application of Dublin Core metadata in that context.
Community Website: http://dublincore.org/groups/government/
Mailing List: http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/DC-GOVERNMENT.html
Workshop Abstract: The objective of the workshop is to exchange best practices and experiences on using Linked Open Data for taxonomies and thesauri for government metadata in different countries and to share other experiences that might be of interest to people working on metadata in a government context.
- Introductions and scene setting
- Governance of the community
Due to change of focus in his work, Palle Aagaard has decided to step down as co-chair of the DC-Government community. John Roberts has indicated he doesn't want to be the exclusive chair of the community. Hans Overbeek has put himself candidate for the position of Palle. Anyone else who is interested to chair or co-chair the DC-Government community is encouraged to step forward. The workshop will decide who will chair the community. - Lightning presentations and discussion on vocabularies
We invite representatives of government organisations to give a brief presentation on how they use metadata for government information. For example the use of vocabularies in the government domain. Do you have any experience with creating and maintaining a local vocabulary or with using core vocabularies of others (like EuroVOC, AGROVOC, GEMET) in your application, this is your opportunity to share your lessons learned and your issues with other people in the government domain.
Please announce your contribution to Hans Overbeek who will convene this workshop. Expected contributions by: Ton Zijlstra of EPSI and Hans Overbeek of the Dutch government - Future charter and group activity
Decision on continuation of the DC-Government community - Closing
This meeting is intended to be accessible to all, including those who have not previously attended DCMI events. The participation of newcomers and non-experts is encouraged. There will be time set aside at the meeting for participants to raise any topics about using Dublin Core for government metadata. If you would like to propose additional items or have any immediate questions about the meeting, please contact Hans Overbeek.
DCMI/NKOS Task Group Workshop
Convenors: Marcia Zeng, Margie Hlava, Douglas Tudhope & Traugott Koch
Task Group Charter: The DCMI/NKOS Task Group targets to develop a Dublin Core Application Profile for KOS resources based on the work the NKOS group members have already done during the last decade. The application profile will be further tested by professionals and researchers.
Task Group Website: http://dublincore.org/groups/nkos/
Wiki: http://www.metadataetc.org/wiki/dcmi-nkos/doku.php
Mailing List: http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/DC-NKOS.html
Workshop Abstract: The DCMI/NKOS Task Group’s overriding goal is to establish an application profile for the KOS Resources. This effort is building on and incorporating work completed by NKOS members over the last decade. Major progress was achieved during the DC-2010 conference, yet a great volume of work needs to be done before an application profile can be fully developed. At the current stage, the use case study has been limited to registries. Other use cases need to be collected. The proposed general domain model also needs to be tailored to meet the functional requirements for the KOS Resources description. The metadata terms will be further revised based on the updated related standards. Finally, the KOS Taxonomy and KOS Typology need to be harmonized into a functional product.
Agenda: In this workshop, we will discuss the latest use case documents and the mapped descriptive metadata and administrative metadata terms proposed by Margie Hlava, with the refining of the domain model proposed by Maja Zumer and terms based on the work of Diane Vizine-Goetz . Another outcome should be the harmonization of the KOS typology based on Doug Tudhope and NKOS KOS Taxonomy as well as its presentation format. Other issues that surface before the workshop will be added to the agenda and discussed accordingly. In relation to the use cases, a discussion may be added regarding the internal data structures of KOS using the analysis of that of AGROVOC, AAT, MADS, etc.
This meeting is intended to be open to anyone. If you have any immediate questions about the meeting, please contact Marcia Zeng.
DC-Registry Community and Task Group Workshop
Convenors: Corey Harper, Diane Hillmann, Jon Phipps & Emma Tonkin
Community Charter: The DCMI Registry Community is a forum for service providers and developers of both metadata schema registries and controlled vocabulary registries to exchange information and experience.
Community Website: http://www.dublincore.org/groups/registry/
Mailing List: http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/DC-REGISTRY.html
Workshop Abstract: As well as providing a brief opportunity to catch up with recent developments and task group progress, the majority of the session time will be dedicated to practical demonstration and if possible hands-on exploration of available registry software and endpoints.
- Introductions [10 min.]
- Brief reports from community members actively working in this area
- Open Metadata Registry [10 min]
- Others [5-10 min each]
- Follow up on last year's discussion on types of registries [10 min.]
- Reporting back from the OARR project: Scoping a repository registry [10 min.]
- Getting to grips with registries - a practical overview of registry software [30 min.]
- Brief task group report, planning [5 min.]
- Wrap-up and planning for 2012 [5 min.]
This meeting is intended to be accessible to all, including those who have not previously attended DCMI events. The participation of newcomers and non-experts is encouraged. If you have any questions, please contact Corey Harper or Emma Tonkin.
Translation Task Group Workshop
Convenors: Karen Rollitt & Shigeo Sugimoto
Task Group Charter: The purpose of the DCMI Translation Task Group is to ensure quality when creating language versions of DCMI documentation and specifications and to do this by providing guidelines and good practice to assist translators.
Community Wiki: http://eiah.org/dcwiki/index.php/DCMI_Translation_Task_Group
Workshop Abstract: A draft version of the document ''Guidance for translators of Dublin Core documents and specifications” [working title] will be available for discussion and review at the meeting.
The DCMI Translation Task Group has meet at three previous DCMI conferences and the outcome compiled on the DCMI Localization & Internationalization Community Wiki at http://eiah.org/dcwiki/index.php/DCMI_Translation_Task_Group. with meeting reports at http://eiah.org/dcwiki/index.php/DCMI_L%26I_Community:Current_events.
The scope of the guidelines has broadened from its original intention, which was to provide guidance for those creating language versions of Dublin Core Metadata Terms (properties) http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/ and will now include guidance for those developing language versions for a range of DCMI documentation and specifications.
The translation guidelines will contain topics that been discussed in previous meetings of the Translation Task Group for example:
- Recommendations on prioritizing DC documents and specifications for translation
- Guide for local communities on how to create a language versions
- Publishing language versions locally and internationally
- Ongoing management of language versions
- Provenance for language versions
- Welcome and introductions
- Overview and status of the work of the DCMI Translation Task Group
- Review draft of ''Guidance for translators of Dublin Core documents and specifications”
- Identify gaps
- Next steps
This workshop will be of interest to all those intending to or in the process of creating language versions of DC documents and specifications. The outcome of the meeting will be an updated document “Guidance for translators of Dublin Core documents and specifications”ready for review by the DCMI Usage Board. The report of the meeting will also be published on the on the DCMI Localization & Internationalization Community Wiki at http://eiah.org/dcwiki/index.php/DCMI_Translation_Task_Group
DC-Education Community and Task Groups Workshop
Convenors: Diane Hillmann & Stuart Sutton
Community Charter: The DCMI Education Community is a forum for individuals and organizations involved in implementing Dublin Core and other learning resource metadata in the education domain. The objective of the Community is to promote interoperability within the domain through the use of standard metadata and consensus good practices.
Community Website: http://www.dublincore.org/groups/education/
Wiki: http://dublincore.org/educationwiki/
Mailing List: http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/DC-EDUCATION.html
Workshop Abstract: The session will be used to review progress on the work of the DC-Education Community and to set the agenda for next year.
- Review work on the following activities:
- DC-Ed Application Profile
- DCMI/LTSC Joint Taskforce
- Set 2011-2012 work agenda
- Discussion of ISO MLR and DCMI/LTSC
- Discussion of the Association of Educational Publishers / Creatitve Commons Learning Resource Metadata Initiative to be designed to work with schema.org.
This meeting is intended to be accessible to all, including those who have not previously attended DCMI events. The participation of newcomers and non-experts is encouraged. This schedule is provisional. If you have any immediate questions about the meeting, please contact Diane Hillmann or Stuart Sutton.
Social Tagging Community Workshop
Convenors: Emma Tonkin & Eva M. Méndez
Community Charter: The DCMI Social Tagging Community is a forum for individuals and organizations involved in implementing Dublin Core with an interest in the practice of tagging and the relationship between conventional Dublin Core metadata and practices and social tagging.
Community Website: http://www.dublincore.org/groups/social-tagging/
Mailing List: http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/DC-SOCIAL-TAGGING.html
Workshop Abstract: This session will have a broad scope, focused not only on social tagging but on other web-based social sites. It will be accessible to all, including those who have not previously attended DC-Social Tagging events or followed the mailing list.
- Introductions [10 min]
- Background: The International Social Web
- Mapping the Social Web - a position paper
- Reports from community members who would like to discuss their work
- "Here be dragons": What we don't know (but would like to find out) about the international Social Web.
- Wrap-up and planning for 2012
This meeting is intended to be accessible to all, including those who have not previously attended DCMI events. The participation of newcomers and non-experts is encouraged. If you have any questions, please contact Emma Tonkin or Eva M. Méndez.
Science & Metadata Community Workshop
Convenors: Alex Ball, Jian Qin & Jane Greenberg
Community Charter: The DCMI Science and Metadata Community is a forum for individuals and organizations to exchange information and knowledge about metadata describing scientific data (data methodologically collected for research, analysis, tracking, forecasting, and other uses). The Community focuses on metadata challenges specific to scientific data curation, and solutions that will benefit from the architecture and global reach of the DCMI.
Community Website: http://www.dublincore.org/groups/sam/
Mailing List: http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/DC-SCIENCE.html
Community Wiki: http://purl.org/dc/science
- Review and discuss the major issues of scientific metadata in data publishing, citation, and curation
- Develop a community working/research agenda for the next year
Workshop Abstract:
- Introduction
- Updates on DC-SAM community: new community co-moderators, membership repor
- Short status reports: conversation with DataCite and DC-SAM workshop at TPDL2011
- Presentations and discussion:
- Overview of scientific metadata for data publishing, citation, and curation. Alex Ball, UKOLN and Jian Qin, Syracuse University
- Selected member (or participant) presentations highlighting metadata developments, issues, and challenges relating to scientific data. Topics for consideration include curation, linked data, citing large scale data, vocabularies
- Future discussion
- Future charter and group activity
This meeting is intended to be accessible to all, including those who have not previously attended DCMI events. The participation of newcomers and non-experts is encouraged. There will be time set aside at the meeting for participants to raise any topics about scientific metadata and issues related to scientific metadata. If you would like to propose additional items or have any immediate questions about the meeting, please contact Jian Qin at [email protected] or Alex Ball at [email protected].
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